Kauai Wedding and Civil Union Licenses

Hawaii Marriage Licenses

Before I can perform your Kauai Wedding or Civil Union ceremony, you must obtain a license from the state. The State of Hawaii has two websites where you can find online applications and additional information:

Kauai Marriage License Agents

For any person to lawfully marry in the State of Hawaii, a license for that purpose must be obtained from an authorized agent. Once the marriage license has been issued, there is no waiting period before the marriage can take place. The marriage license is valid for 30 days from the date of issue—after which the license expires.

Licensing agents are independent contractors for the State of Hawaii to process marriage licenses and civil union licenses. All agents require appointments so they can be of service within their own personal and work schedules. For more information about marriage license processing, please call (808) 241-3498.

North Shore, Hanalei, Kauai

Dayna Santos (By Appointment Only) :: (808) 378-4290

South and West Kauai (Poipu / Koloa / South Shore)

Ellen O’Connell (By Appointment Only) :: (808) 742-7305

Wailua, Kapaa, Kauai (East Side / Royal Coconut Coast)

Walter “Kamika” Smith III (By Appointment Only) :: (808) 635-5973
Darlene “Momi” Kapana (By Appointment Only) :: (808) 821-6887
Tiffany Mahelona (By Appointment Only) :: (808) 639-5891 (text preferred)

Hawaii Marriage Licenses

Frequently Asked Questions

  • There are no state residence or U.S. citizenship requirements.
  • Blood tests are not required.
  • The legal age to marry is 18 years for both males and females.
  • Males or females of 16 or 17 years of age who wish to marry require the written consent of both parents, legal guardian, or the family court. The parents or legal guardian do not have to be residents of the state. Consent forms may be obtained from a marriage license agent.
  • Males or females of 15 years of age who wish to marry require the written consent of both parents or legal guardian, and the written approval of a judge of the family court. The parents or legal guardian do not have to be residents of the state. Consent forms may be obtained from a marriage license agent.
  • Proof of age is required. A certified copy of a birth certificate must be presented for anyone 18 years of age or under. A valid I.D. or driver’s license may be presented for anyone 19 years of age or over.
  • If previously married, proof of original divorce decree or death certificate needs to be presented to the marriage agent by the applicant if the divorce or death was final within 30 days of applying for a marriage license.
  • Cousins may marry. However, the blood relationship between the prospective bride and groom cannot be closer than first cousins.

How to Apply for a Marriage License

  • The prospective bride and groom must appear together in person before a marriage license agent to apply for a marriage license. Proxies are not allowed.
  • The prospective bride and groom should be prepared to provide the necessary proof of age and present any required written consents and approvals. All of the necessary documents should be obtained prior to applying for a marriage license.
  • The prospective bride and groom must prepare an official application and file the application in person with the marriage license agent. The application may be completed online (see website below). The application will not be accepted if sent by either postal mail or e-mail.
  • Upon approval, a marriage license is issued at the time the application is made.
  • The marriage license fee is $60.00 (plus $5.00 portal administrative cost). The fee may be paid online or in-person at the time the application is submitted to a marriage license agent.
  • The marriage license is good only in, but is valid throughout, the State of Hawaii.
  • The marriage license expires 30 days from and including the date of issuance, after which it automatically becomes null and void.

Hawaii Civil Union Licenses

The Civil Union Law

The State Legislature approved Senate Bill 232 in February 2011 to recognize and establish the status of civil unions in Hawaii. Senate Bill 232 was signed into law by Governor Neil Abercrombie on February 23, 2011 and became Act 1. The Act makes same-sex and opposite-sex couples eligible for civil union recognition beginning January 1, 2012, and grants civil union couples many of the same rights as married couples in Hawaii.

The new law establishes all unions entered into in other jurisdictions between two individuals not recognized under Hawaii’s marriage law shall be recognized as civil unions beginning January 1, 2012, provided that the relationship meets the eligibility requirement of Hawaii’s civil unions chapter, has been entered into in accordance with the laws of that jurisdiction, and can be documented.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Residency: There will be no state residence or U.S. citizenship requirements.
  • Blood Tests: Blood tests will not be required.
  • Age: The legal age to enter a civil union will be 18 years or older for both males and females.
  • Reciprocal Beneficiary Relationship: If previously registered in a reciprocal beneficiary relationship, proof of termination must be provided to the civil union agent prior to the issuance of a civil union license if the termination occurred within 30 days of applying for the civil union license.
  • Civil Union/Domestic Partnership: The new law establishes all unions entered into in other jurisdictions between two individuals not recognized under Hawaii’s marriage law shall be recognized as civil unions beginning January 1, 2012, provided that the relationship meets the eligibility requirement of Hawaii’s civil unions chapter, has been entered into in accordance with the laws of that jurisdiction, and can be documented. Those already in a domestic partnership or civil union in other jurisdictions who want to enter a civil union (either with another person than they are united to in the other jurisdiction or in a ceremony conducted by a Hawaii civil union performer) must first terminate the domestic partnership or civil union.
  • Marital Status: If previously married, proof of termination of that marriage must be presented to the civil union agent by the applicant if the divorce or death was final within 30 days of applying for a civil union license. Proof consists of a certified original divorce decree or a certified death certificate. Other credible proof of termination may be accepted at the discretion of the DOH. NO FAXES ARE ACCEPTED.
  • Blood Relationship: A civil union shall not be entered into and shall be void between the following persons: parent and child, grandparent and grandchild, two siblings, aunt and nephew, aunt and niece, uncle and nephew, uncle and niece, and persons who stand in relation to each other as ancestor and descendant of any degree whatsoever.

How to Apply for a Civil Union License

  • First, a civil union application must be completed. The application may be completed and printed online. The civil license application form is available in PDF format (see link below).
  • The civil union license fee is $60.00 (plus $5.00 portal administrative cost). The fee may be paid online or in-person at the time the application is submitted to a civil union license agent.
  • Both prospective partners in the civil union must appear together in person before a civil union agent to submit their official civil union application for a civil union license. Proxies are not allowed.
  • Applications will not be accepted if sent by either postal mail or e-mail.
  • The prospective partners may only obtain a civil union license from an agent in the county in which the civil union is to be solemnized or in which either prospective partner resides.
  • The prospective partners should be prepared to provide the civil union agent with the necessary proof of identification and age and present any required written consents and approvals. All of the necessary documents should be obtained prior to applying for a civil union license and appearing before an agent. A valid government issued photo I.D. or driver’s license may be presented.
  • Upon approval, a civil union license will be issued at the time an application is made.
  • The civil union license is valid only in the State of Hawaii.
  • The civil union license expires 30 days after (and including) the date of issuance, after which it automatically becomes void.